Friday 5 February 2016

How Eternal Salvation Doctrine Provides Assurance To Gentiles

By Brenda Mitchell

Sin whether if this is venial or mortal is still a form of wrong doing. People are quick to judge and make assumptions that a person who commits a sin or a slight mistake is already a bad person. But those who studies the complexities and frailty of human understand that most who go through difficult phases in their lives often have to deal with family members and friends who have a mob mentality.

Reflection saves you the time of confessing about your sins to the nearest church. However there is a way for you to save yourself by reading the eternal salvation doctrine. Because everything you need to learn about steering clear from temptations and continually sinning again.

No one wants to sin and incur a large debt to Satan. So we work our way freeing ourselves from the bonds of temptation. Temptation lead to sins because of the emotions incited within us.

Someone has to take the role of the next false prophet, so candidates are easily found after converting millions of people. It is sad to know people who have a strong faith in teachings even if it is beyond human comprehension. And extolling the innocent and fearful into a state of negative thinking and depravation of rights and basic necessities.

Most are simply there but eventually disappear from your life before you even know it. Challenges are always present in daily life these challenges could be temptations that could lead to you to do inhuman things. Studies call this repression being exhibited on others because individuals who have been repressed for a long time usually come indifferent to the pain of other people.

Because this imbalance it is difficult for everyone to escape the treacherous pain and misery of being alive. As much as we want to be close to god and reach a peace of mind and salvation. But inner peace and clarity can never be achieve.

If one focuses too much in the outside world and its influences then it is easier to lose sight of what truly matters. No matter how much religious and righteous individuals and group preach about brotherhood and sisterhood and being one with one another. It does not change the fact people are not born the same whether if they are born in the same religion or not.

However each one of us have our own personal truths. If these truths are honest and come from a place of sacredness then guilt or remorse can never penetrate your soul. However if your truth is not yours but a copy of another one, or if you have never thought about this, or if you have been blind for so long. The truth will simply come out and bite you behind the back until you realize this.

But that is inhumanely impossible unless your determined to shun away all the trivialities of life. But you are not a great person, or destined to be one, you are simply an average human being who goes to work everyday from nine in the morning until five pm. But if you can live off on donations and pursue the teachings of the doctrine then you are welcome to try. See and experience it for yourself you might something worthwhile.

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