Friday 19 February 2016

For A Good Florist San Francisco Is The Way To Go

By Sarah Snyder

A florist is an individual whose work involves working with flowers and plants in general. They also arrange the flowers and sell them to members of the general public. The arrangements of the flowers are usually done in hand-crafted methods that make them look unique. These specialists also attend various private or public functions to create flower displays. When in need of a qualified florist San Francisco is the best place to pay a visit.

Since a very long time ago, flowers have always had a special meaning in human societies. They are used for various functions and events such as festivals, funerals, weddings, and births. Some flowers hold special meanings to people in certain societies, while to others they are pure items of decoration. The smell is particularly a major attraction for many people.

The United States has a very huge flower industry. The industry employs thousands of florists and other workers who earn several millions of dollars of money annually. In San Francisco, a wide range of flowers is stocked by the stores there. Customer service is best because stores have well trained workers. This article presents some basic facts concerning the floristry profession.

Qualifications in this field are available to prospective florists at various stages of education. People at university, college, and school leaver levels can qualify at different levels. Starting work as a florist does not have any strict academic requirements. However, becoming a true professional requires 5-7 years of learning.

Floristry is a wide field that entails a lot of learning. Skills and experience can be gained through apprenticeship programs. Apprenticeship programs serve to complement nationally recognized qualifications. The job involves working with flowers every day. As such, a genuine love for flower is necessary for success in this field. Additional skills needed include plant care knowledge, management skills, interpersonal skills, talent in designing, and capability to work under pressure.

Working conditions for all florists are the same. Usually, their work is done in retail stores and involves designing and selling creations to customers directly. Orders are also taken through the phone and internet and occasional delivery of flowers also happens. Some florists own stalls from where they sell to passersby. Travelling to funerals and weddings is also part of the job.

Working hours for florists are usually fairly long. They have to start work early in the morning by buying flowers from markets or wholesalers. They open their workplaces at 8 in the morning and remain open until 6 in the evening. During busy seasons such as Christmas and Valentines day, the hours of work may be longer.

The job is physically demanding and requires one to be fit enough to manage. Most work is done while standing and one also moves around a lot. Heavy lifting of items such as urns, pots, plants, and other accessories is also part of the job. The most rewarding but also tiring aspect of the job is working with the public.

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