Saturday 10 February 2018

Essential Tips On Weddings St John Virgin Islands

By Christopher Brown

Planning is quintessential to every aspect of life. Without a proper plan, weddings St John Virgin islands would be chaotic. The process can be quite tedious. The key however is starting early. The date should be set with the amount of work in mind. Some people prefer to rid themselves of the sweat by hiring planners who handle everything as per instruction. If one is doing everything themselves, there are a few essential aspects to think about. This is apart from the members of the union of course.

It is nice to have a support system. The people who will stand at the front with the couple are instrumental during the planning process and on the material day. It can be one maid who will also be maid of honor and one groomsman who will also be the best man. It can also be a whole party. The couple determines the size of this group. Their dresses and suits should be sourced early. This is in an effort to give the designer ale time to find the fabric and weave whatever intricate design. The same goes for the gown and tux.

The couple should decide on a color scheme and theme. These will remain consistent throughout the entire event. Everything form dresses to cake to venue decoration will feature these two. It is to be decided upon by the couple and maybe in the presence of a professional third party.

Guests must be fed. It is in bad form to invite people to witness the ceremony only for them to go home hungry. Food is one of the most important parts of the budget and perhaps one of the most expensive. A lot goes into determining a menu. At the reception an old tradition is performed, cake cutting. This is whereby the couple cut a pastry together and feed it to each other then the guests. The cake is to a reception hall what a water feature is to a garden. It should be nothing short of fantastic both in taste ad appearance.

The cake and food problem is solved and so is the dress problem. But, where will people go? People are moving away from the tradition of marrying in church. Any place can serve as a venue as long as there is enough space and amenities. It could be a forest or riverbank. It could be a beach or a rooftop. The venue should be convenient and affordable. Affordable does not necessarily mean cheap. It just means the venue should cost as much as the budget allows.

What is the plan for the days following the material day? Is there a honeymoon in the works? Who will watch the pets and kids? Who will come over twice a week to water the yard and air out the house? It is advisable to take a day of rest before embarking on the journey to honeymoon destination.

Early planning allows for much needed rest on the night before festivities. The evening should not be used to make last minute plans. One should retire early enough for a good eight hours of sleep. They need to be fresh faced in the morning and well rested. Before the morning preparations begin, time should be taken for a good breakfast.

A marriage ceremony should be enjoyable for the couple. It is not every day that one is pronounced a lifetime partner of the person they love in the presence of friends and family. The couple should enjoy the day, eat cake, dance till their limbs ache and laugh until their faces hurt.

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