Monday 27 January 2014

Making It Out Of A Hurricane Unscathed

By Jim Thorpe

The idea of hurricane proofing your house might seem unrealistic to most. After all, hurricanes are arguably the most destructive natural disaster possible. A lot of people might think that you can only retrofit your home to withstand the force of an earthquake.

Use a Broom

Climbing up a latter isn't nearly as dangerous as standing atop your snowy roof. Climb up a latter and try to pull the snow off with a large push broom. Do not use too much force with the broom as it may damage the solar panel. Also, never use a rake or something sharp or metal. The surface of your solar panel has a layer of protective glass that you do not want to damage. Damage from the homeowner is probably not covered by the warranty, so be very careful if you decide to try sweeping the snow off of your panels.

In many homes, garage doors are of the most vulnerable points in the home's structure. A weak garage door can let wind enter the home, which will in turn result in the roof being torn off. Once you have installed the right garage door, you should move on to the roof. You need to invest in steel roofing that's reinforced to handle whatever is thrown its way. The garage door has to be reinforced as well. Check with the major garage door companies to see what they can do. Odds are if they are located in parts of the country that have more hurricanes than others, they will have offerings that will get the job done.

Obviously, the sunniest regions will be the best for using solar panels, but even areas that get a mix of cloud cover and sunny days can benefit from using solar panels. In an area where you may experience cloud cover for up to half of your year, there are some tricks and tips you can use to make the most of the sun that you do get.

Let it Melt

Utilizing Modern Pumping Technology

Be Safe

Whatever you decide to do about the snow on your panels, be sure to take all of the necessary safety precautions. You don't want to damage the panels but, more importantly, you don't want to hurt yourself in an effort to earn a few more watts of energy. Usually, the safest place on a snowy day is sitting by your fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate. Stay safe!

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