Saturday 28 December 2013

The Importance Of Grain Level Indicators On Large Farms

By Eugenia Dickerson

Grain level indicators are a crucial part of a farm that focuses on the production of grains. Farmers have all sorts of equipment to ensure that their operation is as smooth as possible and that their profits are high, and these gauges are items that are very important. Formerly, large silos were built from wood, but nowadays they are of corrugated steel, or concrete. The gauges are inside to indicate when the silos are full.

Silos that are used by several farms in the community have also become popular, and these are very large establishments. Their size requires several devices so that their contents can be monitored. Fortunately, modern times has equipped farmers with various useful inventions, including the gauges that have helped them to avoid overfilling problems, and ways to help avoid the explosions that can occur from the dust of grains.

There are different gauges that are used for different purposes. One type of gauge is used to determine only when no more produce should be added to a silo. This is the most common type used. Other gauges are a bit more fancy, and measure the current level of grains in the elevators. These can be useful for many reasons as well.

The tilt switch indicator is used quite often to warn farmers when a silo has a high level of stored produce. The switch can work mechanically, with a steel ball that activates an electric switch, or it can work with mercury. There are also switches that are mercury-free, and may use an accelerometer. The varieties of the tilt switch indicator have both advantages and disadvantages.

The mercury switches are more expensive than the mechanical ones, and they also have a remote which can be very useful. However, the toxic mercury substance in its design can be considered as a problem. Mechanical switches are less expensive, but should be avoided in potentially explosive environments.

The mercury-free tilt switch, referred to as a solidstate switch, is a larger investment, but is of a good design. Its disadvantages, though, include that it has to be operated by a remote control unit, and cannot be otherwise connected. A farmer should consider all these points regarding tilt switches and decide which is best for his circumstances.

Another type of indicator is the rotary paddle variety. It has several parts, including an engine and a paddle that rotates at the maximum height the grains should reach. The machine provides an indication of when the silo is filled because the paddle stops when it is hindered by the produce, and the motor switches off automatically.

Considering all these facts will help farmers to determine which grain level indicators they should buy. Gauges have been used for many years, and are deemed as a good investment. Some establishments may also do well with gauges that measure inventory levels.

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