Wednesday 23 October 2013

Mercury Retrograde Creates Trying Times For Love

By Lou Raedwulfe

Mercury Retrograde in now in full force, so watch your communications with your partner during this time period. Its bound to affect even the strongest of relationships as this one is powerful indeed. With Neptune and Pluto also in retrograde, this retrograde of the Messenger packs a punch for the until the end of August.

Mercury retrogrades are dreaded for the problems they cause in our personal relationships, as well as those we have at work. The problems we encounter as we go through them are known for their capacity to disrupt and delay travel plans and can play havoc with all electronic gadgets from computers to tablets and beyond.

If you are a social media bug, then you are forewarned to be careful what and how you say things to the outside world. You may send messages of importance to the wrong person or a group of people. Mercury has long been known as the trickster and this is no exception.

Mercury retrogrades give us a front row seat as a witness to some very disturbing communications among our personal relationships. At a deeper and more personal level, we can expect things to go awry and have communication breakdowns during this time as well. They are usually short lived without lasting effects unless the relationship is on its last legs and then breakups can occur.

Mercury the Messenger sends us the energy to get along with each other. When it goes into retrograde, communication breaks down on many levels. It becomes the messenger of deceit and distorts the truth causing us to misunderstand and sometimes react to others in a negative manner. This puts stress on the relationship and causes instability.

This time can be critical for relationships that were already having problems. If you had been thinking of leaving the relationship, this is one time where you have a window of opportunity, because it will support your desires. It is not, however, a good time to start a new relationship, as it may not last very long.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that the spoken word, which includes email, tweets and social media sites, can be taken the wrong way. What we say may be taken in a totally different way than we had intended. Electronic communication can easily go wrong; think before you speak or write.

Most professional advisors are aware of when this happens three or four times a year and can help you through these types of issues. If the topic you want to discuss just can't wait, then, be aware of the words you use, whether typed or spoken and make sure the person receiving them has understood your true intentions.

5 Tips on Keeping Your Relationship Intact During a Mercury Retrograde:

1. Discuss problems in person instead of using texting/email

2. Put off important discussions until this retrograde passes

3. Keep your perception of reality during this time

4. Check all of your texts and emails before sending them

5. Remember that emotions run much higher during this time

Remember Mercury is a tricky planet and emotions can run haywire for several weeks. Just know that once Mercury begins to chug forward again, your negative emotions and ability to communicate clearly will improve dramatically. Just slow down and take a breather until it passes. Things will be back to normal before you know it. As, always, you'll be glad you waited until Mercury retrograde Mercury retrograde was over.

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