Saturday 7 September 2013

How To Get A Girl To Like You In Many Ways

By Sindy Zoer

For a lot of men, the very idea of being able to make a girl like them seems kind of like some secret skill that they just don't have a clue about. It doesn't have to be all that complicated, though. I get why it can seem that way at time, especially if you have listened to a lot of traditional dating advice that men get that always seems to be focused on buying her things and fawning over her as if she was perfect in every which way. All of those things are really ineffective and a lot of the time, detrimental if you really want to be able to make a woman like you.
[How To Get A Girl To Like You]

If you are wondering how to get a girl to like you fast, then be her friend. For her to notice you, first ensure you are in her circle of friends as girls don't just like random strangers. Once you have won her over as a friend you can now start flirting with her. This will let her know of your intentions and she will most likely respond by flirting back if she likes you or not if she doesn't.Another tip on how to get a girl to like you is by acting confident- girls like guys who are confident. Being confident will show a girl that you believe in yourself and she will enjoy being around you.

Flirting is supposed to be a fun thing to do, but the way that a lot of men go about it, they suck all of the fun right out of it. When you put a lot of pressure on yourself when flirting with a woman, you are almost always guaranteed that you are going to be taking the fun out of the experience. Lighten up and have some fun when you are flirting with her.

You want her to like you as more than just a friend, am I right? If you want her to see you in that light, like a guy she definitely wants to be MORE than just friends with, you are going to have to make her feel a lot of SEXUAL TENSION. Guys who know how to make a woman feel sexual tension are not the ones who complain about being in the friend zone, because as long as she DOES feel that sexual tension - she is going to want to be more than just your friend.

Talk to her- Some guys fear talking to girls they really like. To get a girl to like you back you have to talk to her first before anything else. You can start by sharing ideas or hobbies before letting her know of your intentions. Make sure that you have an interesting topic to talk to her about so that she doesn't get bored. Just be yourself and make her laugh. She will like you more if you are funny and make her feel good.Many guys often ask the question of how to get a girl to like you, but following the above tips should help.

How to get a girl to like you is as simple as knowing what girls want. Unfortunately, no one has been able to discover what girls want, so getting a girl to like you may not be so simple. How ever, here are several tips that will help you to get a girl to notice you.A girl will like you if you like her, or least the things that she likes. One of the primary things that a girl likes is herself. Most girls like to talk about themselves, their interests, their friends, and their hobbies. If you are interested in the same things, you will have plenty of things to talk about, and we all know that girls like to talk. Ask a girl questions about herself, her interests, and her friends and she will immediately find you likable.

Girls tend to like guys who are somewhat mysterious to them. Engage girls in conversation, but don't let them know everything about you, especially if you have a prison record or warrant out for your arrest. There is some truth to the old cliche of girls being attracted to the 'strong, silent type'. This should be easy to pull off if you follow tip number one above.

The problem with many guys is they don't have enough girls to even show interest. Another common problem is they refuse to change. In either case, the solution is the same, approach and talk to lots of girls until you are more comfortable, and you can measure what tends to work more often then not in getting a girl interested in you. Once a girl shows interest then you can get their number and start doing the things they like doing with them. Even if it's not with the girl you want to like you, you have to learn to practice, practice, and practice some more. Figure out what makes girls feel good (laugh), and what doesn't, and at what stages. You need to actually practice getting girls interest and attention, and that may mean failing a few times.

The dating industry is a big business. There are thousands of products, and millions of people buy them every year. But don't expect girls to automatically be interested in meeting you if your approach is off regardless of what pheromone cologne you might use. The problem is no approach works all of the time, and no approach that has success when used by one guy will always produce the same result with someone else.

Be a good listener. Often a girl likes to sit and talk, not necessarily communicate, just talk. A girl likes a guy who will sometimes just listen to her thoughts, her day, and her dreams. Caution: when a girl talks about her problems, it does NOT mean she wants you to solve them, she just wants you listen and empathize with her. She is not looking for advice or solutions; she just wants to share with you what is going on in her life. (Refer to tip number one).In summary: a girl likes someone who will listen, is attentive, is a good listener, is sensitive, and quiet. Therefore the answer to the puzzle: "How to get a girl to like you" is to be a girl, or at least be able to think like one. If all else fails, just being there to give her a hug when she needs one, and she will think you are the best guy in the world.

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