Monday 4 February 2013

Why Would Daniel Bryan Need a Credit Collection Company?

By Rob Sutter

If there's at least one professional wrestler in the WWE who's disliked for bad reasons, Daniel Bryan is it. I feel like he's grown leaps and bounds as a performer and fans have taken notice of the talented grappler. However, there are still some who won't give him his props, especially when others seem to want to sabotage him. Bryan, at least in my mind, would definitely benefit from using a credit collection company in order to see justice done for him.

After being left at the altar during his onscreen wedding by his girlfriend, AJ, it seemed like Bryan's temper took a turn for the worse. He became increasingly more aggressive and it wasn't long until he found himself in anger management, of all places, which is ironic considering how aggressive wrestling is to begin with. While I enjoyed the segments that they showed onscreen of these meetings, I can't help but feel like Bryan landed there unfairly. However, I can see where others would argue the point.

I think it's a valid point to say that Bryan has not done the most stellar job when it came to being a good boyfriend to AJ. He would twist her feelings around and if it meant that his career was furthered, you can be certain that he would do it. Let's say that the situation was changed around and it was in fact Bryan who the fans were to get behind? In terms of collecting payments for damages done, I'd like to think that he has a pretty convincing case to make.

Reputable organizations like R.R.S. exist in the world and those would be the right authorities for Bryan to look to for assistance. Success is something that is not going to come easily unless the right credit collection company is brought in to do the job. However, a good portion of the rate of success relies on Bryan and his ability to seek out the proper authorities. If this is done well, then I have all of the confidence in the world that this skilled grappler would be able to see success through.

As an aside, I'd like to say that the fact that someone who is primarily skilled in grappling like Bryan is reduced to storyline segments which do nothing for no one. He's a funny man, to be certain, but I don't think many wrestling fans are looking to him simply for laughs. He needs to prove that he is a strong wrestler within the ring, no matter how short he may be compared to his adversary in front of him at the time. Bryan should have the platform to not only exercise his comedic muscles along with his physical ones.

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