Monday 11 February 2013

To Ensure Success Are you Planning For Your New Garden

By Matthew Richmond

Dig up a spot of dirt, add a splash of water, drop in a seed or two, and "voila!" you have a garden. In some ways, gardening is that easy. On the other hand, it's understandable why you might have many questions about how to make your garden grow as beautifully and productively as possible. This article has many tips and guidance points to help you start your garden and enjoy a bounty at harvest time.

Keep a garden journal and take photographs of your garden as it grows. It's easy to start the season with high expectations for your gardening. But as the time wears on, it's just as easy to lose steam. A journal and photos can help inspire and engage you along the way!

Keep an eye on your lilies. Unfortunately, lilies are prone to virus disease, such as lily mosaic. If you can, purchase bulbs that are guaranteed 'virus-free'. During the growing season, keep a sharp look out for any aphids, as they spread the disease. Make sure to spray with insecticidals soap at the very first sign of them.

Try to plant your garden near a water supply. If you don't have to constantly drag a large hose or big bucket across the yard, you will be more likely to water. Watering regularly is key to having a successful garden. Make things easier on yourself, if possible, and your plants will get the moisture they need.

In addition to enhancing the appearance of your home with flowers and saving money by growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs, you now have another reason to take up gardening. Studies have shown that stress and blood pressure levels are significantly reduced when people view nature and plants. Gardening is a great source of pleasure for many people and the end result is one that can help them live a longer, healthier life.

To save space in your garden, try planting your crops in blocks rather than in the traditional rows. Rows end up leaving too much space between plants for needless pathways. Blocks help keep plants tight together without sacrificing production. Small variety kitchen vegetables do best in blocks that are arranged in a wide bed.

If you have a very shady garden, make up for the lack of sunlight by growing shade plants with dramatic, colorful foliage. You can create an amazing display when focusing on color and texture, which in many ways, is much more interesting than flowers!

Wear gloves whenever you work in the garden to protect your hands from injury and keep them clean. When digging or working in the garden, you may come in contact with insects, sticks, stones and roots that could cause injury to your hands. Wearing gloves reduces the chances that you will be injured. As an added bonus, your hands won't get dirty and you are less likely to get blisters when using your garden tools.

A great tip to consider when gardening is to use the tools you already are working with as measuring devices instead of searching for a tape measure. This is a great way to save time and frustration if you do not have any proper measuring devices readily on hand.

A great tip to consider in regards to gardening is that you always want to choose your own made fertilizer instead of store bought chemical fertilizer whenever possible. This is important because you will save a ton of money and you also keep chemicals out of your garden that may cause damage in the long run.

Gardening, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, is usually more involved than simply combining dirt, water, and seeds. Gathering useful tips and advice, like the ones you learned here, will help you reap the rewards that can come from creating and managing your own successful garden, and truly enjoying the fruits of your labor.

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