Friday 22 February 2013

Keeping Children's Bedrooms Clean And Organized

By Emilyn Jones

It's an absolute must that children are taught the value of having a truly organized and clean bedroom while they're still young. Doing this teaches them responsibility which will definitely be very useful later on when they are already adults. Begin by providing ample storage spaces for each bit of item in the room. Ensuring that all clothes, shoes, books, school and play things have their own place will help a lot in making the cleaning part a much easier job even for very young children.

It is a good idea to have children's furniture custom-made if you have very little floor space to work with. This will allow you to meticulously plan for the height of each shelf in the closet or cabinet especially if there are very big items to stash inside. Make an effort to involve the owner of the bedroom in the planning stage which means asking his or her preferences in terms of the size, color, and theme or motif to be incorporated into the design.

A toy chest and shelves are great ways to keep toys organized and neat looking. Take to mind your child's age so that they will not have a hard time getting the toy that they want to play with. Remember to wipe away dust everyday or every other day at the very least so that dirt won't have a chance to develop and cause allergic reactions. Make use of a slightly wet cotton cloth to clean surfaces and a used toothbrush to remove dirt from crevices.

Cleaning bedrooms needn't be a boring chore. Make it fun for your kids by adding a twist to the job. Singing while picking up toys and putting them in their proper place will surely encourage small children to join in, while incentives will be a hit to older kids.

Sweep and mop the floor or run the vacuum on the carpet on a daily basis. Every time the bed is done, make sure to inspect the mattress and the rest of the beddings for possible bed bugs invasion. If you see signs of having bed bugs, act right away but don't attempt to get rid of them by yourself. This is best left to professional Pest Control management companies who can provide the most effective bed bugs solution for your specific needs.

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