Sunday 12 August 2018

Contributing To The Best Sierra Leone Charity

By Rebecca Stevens

Charity work is a noble endeavor. The men and women who do charity work deserve the respect of every member of society. The world needs more givers. It needs more selfless people who are ready to make the world a better place through acts of selflessness. There is great blessing in giving. Charity is one of the greatest acts of humanity. A Sierra Leone charity is a non-profit organization that is in the business of improving lives all over Sierra Leone. More than ninety percent of contributions received by this organization go directly to charitable work.

Sierra Leone is a country that has been ravaged by war for a very long time. Civil war left the system broken. Civil war broke out just after independence and continued for a number of decades. Many people lost their lives and millions were displaced from their homes. After the civil war, the country had to start building systems from scratch.

Giving to charity is one of the best things that a person can do. It shows that someone cares. It does not make sense for others to suffer when one is in a position to help but he is not doing any helping. That will simply be lacking a heart. Africa has made a lot of progress over the years but there are still Africans suffering.

Poverty is a scar in the conscience of the world. The man who can come up with the formula for eliminating poverty surely deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. One might think that poverty is only in places such as Sierra Leone and Bangladesh. However, that is not the case. There are people in America living in utter poverty.

It should reach a time when poverty should only be seen in the museums. That is a quote that was once said by a famous Bangladeshi social entrepreneur when receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. There are some charitable organizations that work day and night to consign poverty to the annals of history. Such are the organizations that require contributions.

There is nothing meaningful that can be done without money. Even spreading the good gospel requires money. The preacher will need to have transport so that to take the gospel far and wide. That also applies to charity. It requires a good deal of money. Thus, one can contribute cash to charitable organizations. Even a contribution of a dollar will help greatly.

It is not enough to contribute in cash. One can decide to contribute in kind. As a matter of fact, an individual can contribute his skills towards helping people in Africa. If one is a medical doctor, he can join other doctors so that to offer free medical services to people who are found in underprivileged societies in Africa, Asia, and South America.

Charitable organizations have lifted many people from poverty. There is a lot of evidence that there are some charities that are doing really good work. On the other hand, there are those that are giving the great act of charity a bad name because of their fraudulent activities. With some research work, one will find the most trustworthy charities.

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