Saturday 12 December 2015

Can We Really Trust Someone Who Abuses Our Love?

By Evan Sanders

We've all been there.

Your love is being abused. You feel horrible about yourself. You know that you should walk away from that person who is taking advantage of you but you can't muster up the courage to do it.

Although we've all been there and being in this place is the worst, we have to do the one thing that we never really want to do - walk away from the situation.

There's an art to leaving people who have shown you disrespect and don't want to do anything to fix it.

How do you say goodbye to someone without losing yourself, burning bridges, or disrespecting the person across from you? Tough question. But if you lead from your heart and speak your truth you can hardly go wrong.

This can be incredibly hard to do at times.

What's the true indicator that you need to walk away from people who don't respect you anymore?

Your heart. Let your heart tell you what to do. The funny thing about our heart is that it usually knows exactly what we need but it's our mind that tends to override all of it. When you dig into your heart you give yourself the best opportunity to take care of yourself and move forward.

However, when you start to learn really what you are worth, you find it easier and easier to walk away from people who don't love you and respect you.

This process isn't the easiest thing in the world but it is something you have to learn.

If you refuse to remove toxic people from your life you will end up being dragged down by their negative attitudes and it will tear apart your life in the long run.

So have the courage to walk away.

Of course, there's an art form in being able to give people second chances and really knowing when enough is enough. Truth is, you really have to dig into your heart when you are in these moments and let your inner wisdom speak.

If you're heart continues to tell you that whatever is in front of you isn't good for you, stick to your guns. Stick to your guns at all costs because if you ignore what you know you should do the amount of pain coming your way is substantial.

If you want your life to start taking off, you must first invest into yourself and understand what makes you truly special. Without understanding your own magic how could you ever really understand the magic of others?

And living a life full of love and excellence is the way to go.

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