Friday, 8 August 2014

Good Reasons To Use A Bat Removal Service In Sarasota FL

By Paulette Mason

Humans and bats have existed side by side since the earliest times. From cottages to caves, these echo-locating flying mammals seek safe and protected places to rest and raise a family. They only pose a problem for people when one pair moves into a human structure, followed by many others. A bat removal service in Sarasota FL helps relocate these creatures in a humane and efficient manner.

Humans are naturally attracted to small mammals, but many have an instinctive fear of flying creatures with sharp teeth. Bats have become a commercial symbol of Halloween, and some people are quick to point out that they can carry rabies. The fact is that these animals are needed to control insects, and to pollinate many species of fruit-bearing plants important to human populations.

Most people are aware of these those contributions, but simply do not want messy bats living upstairs. The animals generate copious droppings, stain the walls, and sometimes escape into living areas by accident. Even though they do not chew on the wiring like some other small creatures, a business owner does not want customers to see the swarm exiting regularly at sunset.

Some species colonize promising locations, and are adept at gaining entrance to buildings through holes less than an inch wide. After a colony is established, it may be tempting to simply eradicate a severe problem using poison. Not only is that solution ineffective, cruel, and dangerous to other creatures and pets, but it is also illegal, and can result in a substantial fine.

An established colony may be very visible, but large numbers of darting bats can make it difficult to pinpoint their exact nesting area inside. The most effective way to estimate the number of bats is to carefully watch the exits at sunset to see how many emerge, and where. Homeowners can block small populations from re-entry by caulking up the holes and installing screens over vents.

Removing an entire population safely is a difficult and frustrating job that can be overwhelming. It often makes better sense to contract with a removal company that has the resources and experience to take the necessary steps. Because all buildings differ, a professional service evaluates each situation, creating a unique, workable plan to evict the bats humanely, followed by blocking the entrances permanently.

Like homeowners, most services start by making observations at dusk, and also during daylight hours when bats prefer to sleep. After a rough population estimate has been made, the removal company devises an appropriate plan of action based on the circumstances. Prior to blocking entrances and exits, all remaining animals are trapped for release elsewhere, and are handled with care.

An experienced eradication service never uses toxic repellents, and if the job is done thoroughly, will not usually need to return on a regular basis. It is important to preserve these beneficial bat populations, which are being decimated in some areas of North America by fungal disease. Without them, many areas would quickly be overrun by swarms of insects that devastate crops, bite humans, and spread disease.

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