Monday 18 November 2013

Is Your Ex Boyfriend Being A Bad Little Boy

By Billy Grady

The frustration of trying to win over your ex girlfriend or trying to get her to even consider getting back together can be frustrating. I hope to help you out a little bit with this. I want to share with you a secret that will get her wanting to talk with you again and at least open that door to reconciliation again. I want you to be happy and I know how difficult it is to deal with being apart from someone you care about. I know the sadness and pain that a breakup can cause and it's my life's work to bring couples back together even when things seem impossible.

Are your words and actions taken out of context by your ex and used against you? Do you feel like your ex is living in a totally different reality and you feel like you simply can't win? How can you straighten things out and get back to that loving relationship that you both once shared? How can you turn things around and make your ex see that you truly love them with all your heart?

Think of your ex girlfriend like a cat. If you chase after a cat, what is it going to do? The cat will run away. This is what makes herding cats so difficult! The same goes for many animals. If you chase after them, they will flee or fight. This is called the fight or flight instinct. It is a part of our own instinct also and it transcends relationships also.

On the other hand, if you want a cat to come to you, your best bet is to sit very still. Especially if you have been chasing after a cat, the best thing that you can do is to sit on the floor, not make any movements and get the cat interested in you. Maybe you have a toy or some food or you make some very quiet pleasant sounds that the cat likes.

To end his temper tantrum the best thing that you can do is to ignore it and go about your business. A wise parent keeps calm and either sends a child to their room or to sit somewhere so they can wind down and realise that their bad behavior isn't getting them the reaction that they were hoping for. Then, a really smart parent will begin doing something interesting to get that child's attention. Once the child is done being bad, they will come to the parent and want to be part of the interesting activity.

Of course, simply throwing a bunch of picture of the two of you together in their face isn't going to get you that desire. Remember that right now your ex is only thinking that you're trying to manipulate them. This is why it is necessary to allow your ex to cool off a bit. Give them some time. Allow a short amount of time to pass and heal those open wounds.

Remember, you must first stop chasing your ex girlfriend before you put this plan into action. This means a week or so of no contact or being elusive if you see her often. Be short and sweet if you see her on any sort of a regular basis. If you don't have regular contact with her and you have been writing to her or calling her then stop doing that starting today. Allow a week or so to pass and then begin your counter-intelligence campaign. Her curiosity will be more than she can handle.

These two steps are a good basic way to get your ex back. Allow some time to pass and create a life that your ex would be interested in being a part of. Once there is interest and the smoke has cleared from the breakup, you can gently remind your ex of all the pleasant and fun memories that you had together. There's no pushing or convincing or trickery here. This is just good, basic relationship advice that can help you to get your ex back.

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