Saturday 12 January 2019

Fast Affordable Uncontested Divorce In Georgia

By Susan Edwards

Courts are to be avoided because they take time to complete cases, demand a lot of resources and are hectic to attend. The possibility of fast affordable uncontested divorce in Georgia is the desire of anyone looking towards separation. However, it does not always happen. There are conditions to be met for such a smooth sail. Here are some of these conditions.

The presence of a prenuptial agreement makes things extremely easy for both parties. If you have not signed one, it is time to do it. Where the agreement is already in place, you should refer to it. The agreement sets out the responsibility each party will take in case the marriage or relationship breaks. There will be no point or need to disagree since all issues are clearly stipulated. You only tick boxes on responsibilities and move on. The agreement is then filed in court and each goes his or her separate way.

Hire an experienced lawyer to handle your case. Experience helps lawyers have dealt with different issues and cases over the years. This gives them better understanding of issues being handled. They know how to negotiate a balanced settlement instead of engaging protracted court battles. This will simplify the process of getting settlement.

Make attempts to settle issues first before going to courts. There is never a simple process in court. A petition like asking for information or setting up a meeting may take days to settle. Since you have common friends, family members and attorneys representing you, gather and agree on most issues before going to court. You will only need the courts when filing an agreement.

For divorce to be uncontested, there are important questions you will be required to answer instead of leaving them for later or assuming them. You need to settle child support, visitation, custody, spousal support, debt division, division of property and insurance, among others. You need to be practical without holding the other party at ransom. The settlement can only be achieved when you are realistic and ready to shoulder part of your responsibility.

A no-fault settlement is an option that is allowed in court. If you have mutually separated for a while, you can agree to hold no partner at fault. This means that you do not accuse or have to proof that there was inhumane treatment, cruelty and abandonment, among other accusations. In the Paper Divorce, you only file the agreement in court without anyone taking the blame.

Negotiate a flat fee with your attorney. Attorney fees go up because of long protracted battles. However, when an agreement is made without objection, you can predict the direction of the tussle and even how long it will take. This reduces the amount paid and duration it takes to get settlement.

It takes two people who are willing to negotiate to get an uncontested divorce settlement. The experience of your attorney also plays a part. If you do not agree on issues fast, the tussle will prolong unnecessarily and inflate the cost of the entire divorce process.

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