Wednesday 1 October 2014

God Has Cast A Judgement On America: This Isn't Surreal

By Anne Trimble

It's all taking on a surrealistic air now, isn't it - how the United States of America seems to be sliding ever more quickly into oblivion? That's probably a lot like how it felt to the ancient Romans when their empire passed its tipping point on the way to collapse. Or maybe how it felt to the communist guard in the Soviet Union once Ronald Reagan had stood his ground and they saw Mikhail Gorbachev was their leader.

Let's make no bones about it, America is slipping, falling into decline, and now we are just waiting to see the details on how it happens. In "The Harbinger," a book by Jonathan Cahn, we get a clear idea of how God's has cast a judgement on our country. Now all that is left to do is watch and wait and see what He will do next.

Watching our leaders lie to us, expecting us to believe their fantastic schemes and tales, is a sign that this country's leadership has lost touch with its people. It's a formula for disaster when the leaders are not only out of touch with their people but also with reality.

According to Barack Obama, America will not need ground troops to get rid of ISIS. It can be degraded and destroyed in other ways. He stands alone in this opinion. Our best generals have publicly disagreed with him, which in itself is an unprecedented event in American history.

God is in control, and there are no human "elites" in his eyes, just His children who have sinned against Him in thought, word and deed - yet whom He loves enough to have sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for restoring them to Him.

The only way we can reverse the current trends in our history is to cast up earnest prayers. While it would be a boon to have Republican take back the US Senate, we try not to be political about things. There is no point in sticking to secular politics. It doesn't help when God is angry and cast a judgement on our land.

God needs us to set things right in our hearts and to pray in earnest for His help. Only with it, can we ever hope to get things back in order in our country. Our finances are in dire straits and we must get Him to restore our monetary resources and create harmony in our lives.

As for our finances, the thing to do is to convert our nest egg into His Money. We must lean on gold and silver because they have stood the test of time.

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