Saturday 12 July 2014

Easy Homemade Mold Removal Tips

By Marylou Forbes

Molds can be found everywhere. They grow almost in all the places where moisture is present. They reproduce through spores that are scattered in the air hoping to find a suitable place to grow.

Sometimes, they can be very harmful. Some city have these companies specializing in getting rid of this fungus like mold removal Stratford. Molds produces a poisonous substance called mycotoxins. Having a lot of them in you surroundings can be a risk. Fortunately, there are some methods you might want to try in order for you to start removing these annoying fungus.

Knowing the fact, that bleach is a very affective cleaner when it comes to removing stains in your clothes, this solution can also be a good anti fungus product. It can easily remove molds on tiles or whatever ceramic you might have. The disadvantage is that it is not that very potent enough to kill the roots of the molds which might cause them to reappear.

Before bleaching out the molds, you have to make sure that the air in the room can move out freely because it does have a harsh fumes. Putting a mask on and a gloves are a perfect equipment for this procedure to ensure you are safe. Once everything is set, blend one gallon of water per one cup of bleach.

Applying it can be done in different ways whichever you preferred. You can use a spray bottle, or sponge and scatter it to where the molds are. Cleaning the solution afterwards is not necessary but if the materials you spray down the solutions into is used for eating or preparing foods, it is advised to rinse it thoroughly.

If you prefer fume free solutions, you might consider using borax. This product as well all know is very effective in cleaning tiles and specially toilets. Putting a bit of mixture of a gallon of water and a cup of borax can be a good anti mold solution.

To use Borax, damp the material you want to scrub the mold off using a spray or a cloth and start scrubbing. Be sure to remove any extra particles that may remain in the surface. You can actually do this by wiping the surface with a dry cloth.

You might want a natural solution to your mold problems to ensure that you do not sniff those dangerous fumes. Then, this humble vinegar is a perfect solution for you. It is absolutely does not contain any poisonous substance. It may have a foul odor but it will come off in a couple of hours so it would not be a problem.

Prevention is better than cure as what they say. So, to make sure that your furniture or your precious things are mold free, stopping it from acquiring moisture is the best way to go . If molds still exist, then you can choose to one of the home made remedies or call that can company to do it for you.

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